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Wednesday 18 February 2015

Channel Analysis: Intensive Distribution

channel analysis

Distribution - process of placing product on a point of sales (POS) shelf. Distribution can be horizontal and vertical, weighted and numerical.
Horizontal - distributing portfolio of the products. Increasing horisontal implies an increase in the range of brands/SKU in current POS.
Vertical - distributing though different channels. Will cover channels types later on.
Weighted - bigger POS have more weight in calculation.
Numerical - simple counting of POS you present of total.
POS A - selling 100$ per month
POS B - selling 50$ per month
POS C - selling 25$ per month
My company present only in POS A. Weighted distribution equal 100/(100+50+25) = 57%
Numerical distribution equal 1/3 =  33%

channel firing analysis

Channels can be direct and inderect.
Way in direct simple: Producer - customer. You are buying directly from manufacturer.
Indirect implies 3rd party side to deliver from plant to the homestore.
P&G distribution example:
Producer - retailers - customer (P&G - Metro cash&carry - you)
Producer - distributor - retailer - customer (P&G global - P&G local - Metro C&C - You)


intensive distribution
professional distribution vs retail
  • Hospitals 
  • Tenders
  • Clinics
More characteristic for Pharmaceutical industry, where level of MD's recommendation matters.
Government tenders for medical equipment purchase will be tender channel of distribution
Clinics also can distribute drugs, medical goods and some kind of FMCG products.

channel distribution

Online trade (less <5% of total sales go thought):

  • e-commerce
  • social media
Via online stores like amazon and e-bay thousand of products selling right now, social media channel use for marketing communications, advertising.

Traditional trade (>95% of the market):
  • Modern trade
  • Pharmacy and care 
  • Drug stores
  • Single stores (not chained) 
Traditional trade also usually means indirect distribution with wholesaler and retailer - very long logistic chain, time delivery and government regulation.

For channel analysis basis is to segment you sales by type of incoming (placement)
After this you can measure:
- channel share of total revenue
- distribution level for each channel
- weighted distribution threshold (80/20 rule tells that 20% numeric distribution makes 80% turnover)
- growth trends of online channel vs traditional
- investment vs incoming by each channel (ROI) etc.

And last tip is to make SWOT analysis for each channel you present. Each action gives you wide variety of choice and can be applied to the channel strategy  
This topic was translated to English by m-translate.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Gap analysis: tool of business analysis

gap analysis
GAP definition is simple for understanding: wanted target - current performance = GAP.
In business analysis GAPs will represent not only full picture but clusters, regions and channels.

Key point of GAP analysis is "what placement need to be taken as zero point"

GAP analysis example:
Total revenue of the company consists of 3 regions (A,B and C) and 2 channels (Y and Z). For simplicity lets imagine than all regions has Y ans Z channel.

Annual targets:
Total company =20

Real annual results:
Total company=19

gap analysis template:
Region "A" GAP is -2 (target 10 - real 12)
Region "B" GAP is 2 (target 5 - real 3)
Region "C" GAP is 0
Channel "Y" GAP is 0
Channel "Z" GAP is 1 (5-4)

Conclusion: Total company annual GAP is 1, was driven by region "B" and channel "Z"
By analogy you can go deeper to region "B" and compare its target vs actuals to find reasons generated GAP.

Tip: try to use Excel pie chart to represent different angel of GAP analysis tools and SWOT analysis.

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Saturday 14 February 2015

Reporting pt.4: Measurement as part critical analysis

Short reminder: for reporting you need 4 dimensions:
  • Product 
  • Placement
  • Period
  • and the last one is Measurement 
Define you functional requirements of measurement by type:
  • volume analysis: Kg, lbs
  • value analysis: USD/EURO
  • natural units: pcs
  • site: visitors, conversions, pages viewed
  • KPIs: level of distribution, market share etc.
What is the final result of your work? Kg shipped or visitors converted? Maybe it will be penetration level or new clients reached...

Think this way to gain real useful measurement for you business reporting or project needs.

Read more on this topic:

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Thursday 12 February 2015

What is a SWOT analysis

What is swot analysis? SWOT analysis become basic part of any business presentation: It drives not only helicopter view, but logic and generates wide field for conclusions. How to do a SWOT analysis?
swot analysis

Strengthsinternal dependence.
Unique advantages of your company or project you presenting. Assets, budgets, distribution chain... etc. Why you should win?!

Weaknesses: internal dependence.
Restrictions, lack of something. What factors are against?! Where are you loosing?

Opportunities: external dependence.
Competitive advantages vs competitors. Innovation and  new product development. Liquidity, flexibility. Your channels strategy. What makes you win?

Threats: external dependence.
Political and economical environment. Things and solutions are not yours. Your competitors activities. Currency rate, weather etc.

Congratulation you have done a personal SWOT analysis now read about GAP analysis.

Learn how to use OLAP approach here.

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Tuesday 10 February 2015

Reporting pt.3 :Placement as regions, channels and markets

What is a region? Region definition is geographic location broadly divided by physical characteristic. What does region mean for analytic? In a sense of analytics it can be virtual division of a territory.

Short reminder - full analysis consist of 4 directions: Period, Product, Measurement and Places. Two of them are already covered in this blog (check the link if you miss).

Placement as part of reporting in FMCG companies and Pharma industry sectors answering the questions: "Where"/"What"/Which"
- Where we are selling?
- What region performs better?
- What places drive customer's switching?
- Which retail market and retail sector is bigger?
- Which region was covered by promo activities?
Placement is Region, area, client, channel, markets, clusters.
Placement can have multifiltering options: both region and channel, area and client or market and region.
If channels aren't selected - all channels data will be seeing.
You need to decide what will be selected as you Placement and what size of detalization you need.
Example: some companies looks only on regions level, some drill to POS (point of sales) level.

For compiling industry profile, it's better to combine market opportunity analysis and SWOT analysis

Reporting pt.1

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Sunday 8 February 2015

Reporting pt.2: Products analysis fundamentals; what is marketing?

Obtaining analysis fundamentals knowledge and period analysis, go deeper for product analysis. Key approach here is reporting "segmentation" in a way of zoom-in

FMCG and Pharma-Healthcare industry
(manufacturer point of view):
  1. Market 
  2. Category
  3. Subcategory
  4. Brand 
  5. Stage\line 
  6. SKU 
  7. Promo SKU
Example 1 - Manufacturer: Danone Baby Nutrition 
  1. Market: Baby food nutrition 
    product analysis
  2. Category: Breast milk substitutes
  3. Subcategory: Premium value
  4. Brand: Nutrilon
  5. Stage\line: Infant formula (0-6 months)
  6. SKU: Nutrilon 1 (400g size pack)
  7. Promo SKU: Nutrilon 1 (400g) + cereal sample

Example 2 - Manufacturer: Henkel Cosmetics 

  1. Market: laundry and cleaning products 
  2. Category: Washing powder 
    analysis group
  3. Subcategory: Value-for-money (very sensitive to the prise) 
  4. Brand: Persil 
  5. Stage\line: Liquid Gel 
  6. SKU: Persil Expert Gel (1 litter bottle size)
  7. Promo SKU: none

IT industry (with example):
  1. App Type (mobile app \ web app \ desktop)
    what is marketing
  2. Platform (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows phone)
  3. Category (fitness trainers)
  4. Sub cat (running assistants)
  5. SKU (RunKeeper)

Retailers / Distributors point of view:

Category - Subcategory - Manufacturer - Brand - stage\line - SKU
or Category - Subcategory - stage\line - Manufacturer - Brand - SKU
depends on category management rules

You need to think what "zoom-in" order suits specificity of your business.
Strongly recommeded to read SWOT analysis examples.
Reporting pt.1

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